Teachings girls to code in Homs, Syria
We’re very keen to address, long-term, the gender balance in the tech industry, to get girls interested in coding, just as much as boys. That’s why we’re building a code game designed to strongly appeal to young girls and teach them professional languages such as HTML.
We want, therefore, to change the industry. But not (just) for the industry’s sake. The ‘bro culture’ of tech is tiresome but it’s not the most important thing. The issue is that learning skills can change lives and improve prospects. That’s the key driver of Erase All Kittens.
So we’re especially excited to team up with Techfugees and IT Advice in Syria to offer a coding workshop for 60 girls in Homs. It has been set up by the estimable Haya Al Habal, a Techfugees volunteer and blogger based in Damascus, who works with the IT Advice team to provide workshops about technology in the city.
Our contribution to their work is about rebuilding lives and helping to plant the seeds of interest and understanding that will help some girls think a bit differently about how they can use tech to advance their own futures, and hence those of their families and their city.
It’s a small gesture on our part but we hope it helps change the horizons of those who take part. And we’ll be back.